GREEDY! CRAZY eBay prices thread, trim rings $5495, Barracuda window trim $450

I thought I might jump into the muck and ad my 2 cents, The thing about all of these parts is they are listed on e-bay as "buy it now" items and the unrealistic pricing is an indication that the sellers have no intention of selling the parts unless of course they find someone crazy enough to pay the price. I've been selling parts at swap meets for 35 years and when I started selling stuff you could go to a swap meet and buy an entire Hemi car for under $1000. I bought a 69 Hemi Charger once(minus motor) for $50 bucks. Even back then these cars were somewhat rare but nothing like they are now.About 25 years ago when people started seriously restoring cars the prices on the NOS junk just kind of went through the roof. Now I've sold my share of NOS or rare and hard to find parts for crazy prices over the years(at least what I considered crazy)and I make no apologies for doing so. Any part is only worth what someone is willing to pay so if someone is willing to pay $5000 for a NOS whatever then that dont make the seller a greedy SOB, it just means the guy who bought it could afford it. Now I personally was never able to afford such extravegant things but I hold no animosity for anyone who can because I was usually the one trying to get their money. I have run across my fair share of Rare/NOS junk and some of it has sold for what I would consider a stupid high price but the difference between me and a lot of these guys is that I would sell on e-bay as an auction,sometimes I would fish around with a "buy it now" price but never unless it was attached to an auction.When you auction stuff its the sellers responsibility to give an accurate description and stand behind what he is selling and its the buyers job to decide what he's willing to spend. I have listed and sold some stuff on e-bay that brought astronomical prices and I didnt feel the least bit bad about taking the money. I have had people bad mouth me for selling on e-bay at times and I like to explain it like this. If you want/need a certain item then there are several ways to go about finding it. You could watch local papers and ads hoping one shows up....not very succesfull when looking for rare stuff. You can call a person who deals in such items which means the price will be higher than you like but you dont have to spend a lot of time looking. You can go to swap meets and hope one turns up and that the guy selling it is not too attached to it.....The problem here being that you have to go somewhere to the swap meet which could be anywhere from 5 to 2500 miles away and with gas at close to $4 a gallon that aint cheap. Then you have motels,meals,souvineirs, and a gift for the wife so as not to get your butt chewed for going in the first place. All of this ads up and 9 times out of 10 you will come home empty handed. For example say you want an Edelbrock STR12 crossram for a small block, I go to 7 or more major swap meets a year and I have only seen 2 for sale in the last 5 years and they both sold for what I thought was a high price(but I'm cheap). And the last option is to go on e-bay or some other online venue and search one up in the middle of the night while sitting around in your underwear, odds are good that it will cost you more than you would pay elsewhere but by comparison it might be cheaper than searching at swap meets for 5 years and coming home empty handed. So to recap,who cares what these guys are asking on their parts because if they really wanted to sell them, they would be on an auction. And who cares if someone actually buys one of these parts, I am just astounded sometimes by who has that amount of money to waste on cars and such. And I know that each and every person on this thread(except me) would sell any of these rare items for a song because its the "right thing to do".....Right? Remember, its only worth what someone is willing to pay.