Melvan SOLD on eBay for $24,701!

Last time someone posted a thread on the Melvan it turned into a multipage discourse of those who like Nirvana attempting to tell us why those of who don't that, basically, we should bow to their opinions and their opinions only and why our personal tastes in music (which, definitely, is, very much a personal preference) isn't as superior as their's.

Most threads like this have one off-hand comment like the one which was posted that someone seems to think they should take offense to and assert themselves - and their opinions - over others.

Not saying you're one of 'em. But it happens more times than not. Just hoping this is one of those that turns out to be "not."

Oh, I know. Like the Superbird wing thread :3

I was just letting you guys know I wasn't one of them. Just because I like Nirvana, I don't expect others too. Though, you gotta admit they did a lot for music.

I feel like I would get similarly raged against if I let slip that I don't like most Led Zeppelin (oops). But I still respect them as musicians.