shaving my drip rails, 73 dart

Continuing cutting drip rails off this weekend, while I wait to save up for cash for hemi.
I have posted this in my "car rebuild diary thread" as well, (not exactly sure what the protocal or etiquette is when you have a rebuild post..and do side posts for information).

Anyway, here is a few pics of the drip rails.
I am using a new tip i read on a chevy post, about taking a grinding and "splitting" the drip rail seem, to better allow a weld to penetrate both pieces of sheet metal. Its pretty invasive, but I think will yeild a better result. After you grind the drip rail pinch material down to where u want it to be flush, its so damn thin its hard to weld.
This seam splitting seems to do the trick.
Still working on my welding techniques, just a DIYer here, go easy.

Any tips or tricks, advice, dont' hesitate to post.