Rear end gearing choice for stroker

OK, Just pulled my 8.3/4 489 rear end apart. It has the SBP axels and I was going to order the BBP axels. Once apart I found the rear to have 3:55 gears as the build sheet states. I thought that was kind of cool. But I am wondering if the 3:55 gears will be OK in my 416 stroker with a 727 tranny and a TQ converter of about 2800 range for the street and highway driving. Question is would I be better off selling the entire SBP rear with the 3:55 gears and just order a new rear end with the BBP axels and a new rear center chunk with say 3:23 gears. I also should state that I wanted to install some nice 16-18" aftermarket wheels and be able to get some serious beef under the rear without doing any cutting and moving. Does anybody have any thoughts on this topic. For my 72 Demon.......