Greatest honor I ever had with a twist: PROJECT Fallen Hero

Well as some of you know my best friend was killed in action in Afgahnistan last Friday. Well I was asked by his wife and parents to come to Dover Delaware to be there when his body came back home yesterday. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire life. Well after he arrived and we all went back to the Fisher House (that's where they house the family members of the fallen Heros) I was asked to be his escort when he flys from Dover to Arlington National Cemetary where he will be buried. We are unsure of the date but I am ready to go when they call. To add to this his wife and parents have expressed their feelings about them wanting me to have his truck. It is a mid-80s Dodge New Mexico forrestry truck, short bed regular cab 4wd 318. Me and him had talked many hours about what he wanted to do with it and how he would build it so it looks like I will be carrying out his wishes and dreams and I get to have a piece of him as well. Here is a photo of my mentor, my hero, my best friend, and my brother. I cannot put into words how it feels and my life will never be complete without him in it. The world was a truely a better place because of him. He was so smart and talented and I strive to be like him in every way. I hope I do not dissappoint him in my actions.

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