What to do?

I was joking about engine trades.

You should drive your Duster as much as possible, with your wife if she is a factor in your decision. There still are a couple good months of weather left to decide how much you like or don't like your current set-up.

The Lincoln Park Sears Friday Cruise Night has been around a long time, I remember it from the mid 1980s. It supposed to rain Friday afternoon and evening...not sure how the turn out will be. They used to get 200-300 cars sometimes back in the old days. LOL Now I get out there 1 or 2 times per year, that's about it...there are some many local cruise nights now.

Also the Frankenmuth Autofest is going on this weekend, check it out at...


The might cut into the Sears cruise also. If it looks like good weather, I might go to Sears.


Not interested in trading! Thanks! I have a car show I'm going to on Friday at a nearby Sears. It will be my first with the car. Thanks for all the advice!