GREAT info on our cars:

I only know one Dave who goes to the trouble to create a new user name just to harass people. I just ignore him, I have better things to do, I am sure he does also.

For the rest of you, when Chrysler sold the reproduction rights for the engineering drawings listed at HH, one of the gentlemen in Chrysler's legal department did ask me to remove them. I did so. They did not want a 'free' source competing with a vendor who bought the rights to publish them in book form. I also asked him at the time if there was anything else on the site that was an issue between them & us. I was told 'not at this time' & the gentleman even complimented the site, he enjoyed it.

I have not been contacted by them for any reason since. Nothing with their logo is for sale, it is a repository of documents, photos & history from my personal collection & from the collections of others.

There was also a person who ripped content from another site & emailed it to me as 'his'. That site owner recognized his scans & contacted me to let me know. I asked the donor that supplied them to me where he got them & he said off the web. His submissions were deleted from HH & I apologized to the site owner they were taken from, & he accepted the apology.