GREAT info on our cars:

Hi, Richard here from I was recently made aware of this posting by one of my site members and decided to weigh in on this post. I wish to clear up this issue and harbor no ill feeling towards FABO or HH. The dealership databook material in question was sent to me via postal mail on several DVDs claiming to be material from his personal collection. Since I don't spend really any time on other Mopar sites but my own I took his word for it and was impressed at the quality of the material and was excited to offer it online. Now that I have been made aware of this posting, I closely examined the pdf material I have and the jpg images of this material on the HH website. I can see clearly these pdf files are indeed from the HH website. With this positive identification, I have decided to remove all this material from and off a sincere apology to Barry who I feel has acted with class considering the circumstances. I get various materials sent to me all the time from people, some stuff I put online and other stuff I don't that is obviously copyrighted material from Chrysler.

I hope the members of FABO can look past this and not negatively judge MyMopar as we are all die hard Mopar enthusiasts. If in the future anyone has any issues with me or my site, feel free to drop me a note
