weird smelling smoke!?! please help!

Here is what I think is happening. so when you put the smaller jets in it you got a backfire out the carb? What i think is happening here is your running real rich, then you jet down and it leans out so now your idle fuel+the pump shot is not big enough. The pump shot squirts extra fuel when you change throttle position IE when you mash the throttle to the floor. Not enough fuel can give you a stumble or backfire. So I say jet down and give it more pump shot and see how that works out.

BUT, if you really want to get your carb tuned good, invest in a wideband o2 sensor. It will pay for itself in gas savings if, its running rich and you end up leaning it out and picking up some mpgs.

Also like said above, check your timing and make sure that is all good. BUT, I assume it was fine with the other carb and hasn't been touched, so it likely isn't the issue.