Pet prayers needed

This past weekend Jemma, Loris 16 year old Jack Russell has been acting very lethargic. Which isnt like her, although she likes to sleep a lot(she loves it when I work midnites as she gets to sleep with Lori at night and me thru the day), she has a ton of personality. She has had a cyst growing on her underside, that I believe isnt good. I took Jemma to the vets this morning and they took a FNA sample, which is a glorified blood sample around the cyst. A biopsy is in the price range of $800-$1200, so that is out of the question. Lori and I are waiting to hear back from the vets on the test results. As I said she has a ton of personality and feisty!! She has put Rufus our black lab in his place more than once, and has been known to "ankle bite" if you dont greet her when you show up at the house. Certain noises, camera flashes set her off into a frenzy as well, so the pics we have of her are limited. At 16 years old, female and "unfixed" Lori and I are pretty sure that its cancer and her time is very limited. It sucks as all she does when she is awake is shake and vibrate. I guess its time to step up the are some pics. I will have Lori try to find some more.

Steve n Lori