issue with AMD Demon floor pan..please help newbie

If you have it on a lift, I would have to agree that the torsion bars are pulling it down, back them all the way off. I took mine out when I did my floor. Here is a good tip get some zip screws and screw it in place before you weld it! Alos it is easier to drill spot weld holes in the floor pan before you start to put it in. Mark it from the under side where the trans member and seat brackets are with a paint stick. Then flip it over on the floor and drill it. Also you need to move the out side seat belt holes, the ones next to the rockers are in the wrong place for Duster/Demons

It would be taking torque off the torsion bars on a lift.
Tires on the floor would be putting more torque on the torsion bars.
Am I thinking backwards here?