71 Sc@mp

Finally at the shop! I jumped on this car as quick as possible once it got to the shop since this time of year is kind of slow anyways. I've got a great bodyman working on it and I'm really just doing the minor stuff along with all the dissasymbly. It pays to be good friends with people that know what they're doing so they can check your work. Here's a couple of pics after just a few days. Oh also for those of you that don't know, take a look at the left quarter and know that if you look for problems, you will usually find them. This is a typical 70's repair job/butcher job on the quarter that was caked with boddy filler almost 1" thick. The body had to be pulled to realign the quarter and all the holes were welded closed and the metal smoothed. The onlt reason for filler is to fill sandscratches. THAT IS ALL IT IS DESIGNED FOR!! The damage on the quarter also explains the nasty welds on the striker that will be fixed as well.