Another officer struck :(

Once I got pulled over for having some blue lights in my grille of my monte carlo (bck in the 90s) and anyway it was late night on a 2 lane's shoulder.

Two police cars. Well some rubberneckers did something like one was slow, people were swerving around and there was a huge car wreck at high speed a couple feet beside me where I was standing and a pair of cars flew off into the ditch on up the road with exploding glass and debris flying everywhere. WOw

One cop looked at the other one, sighed and said "you wanna get this un or should I?"
So I says "i reckon you are done with me then?" and they says " You stay right there son."

"You got anything in the car we need to know about? Can we look inside?" I said "Sure but make it quick and don't mess things up" They spot checked and told me to remove the blue lights asap and get out of here.

Once I got moving again I replayed the last 10 minutes in my head and was just amazed by the chain of events and dialogue. I almost died, almost pissed off a bunch of late night back road cops and I was a couple hundred miles from home. Why the F did I have blue lights in my grille? Trying to get my *** pulled over?

Anyway I hate to hear officers getting hit trying to do their job to protect us.