Spending less time on FABO

This is my little rant. Before I came to FABO, I was restoring a Triumph Spitfire. My forum there was so helpful, and no one had any negativity about your posts or any weird stuff you wanted to do. They were there to help and encourage you any way they could. When I first came to FABO, I felt it was different than that but still very helpful. For the last few months I have been more and more disillusioned with every post I post or read. There is so much infighting among the responders that the original post is soon forgotten as everyone bitches about the other persons reply. It has gotten so bad that I rarely come on this site anymore, and I once used to love coming here. I am regretting my Gold membership and I know I won't renew it. What was once a great, helpful site has, for me anyway, devolved into negative infighting that I can't stand. If I wanted that in my life I'd spend more time with my kids. I know I can't be the only one to feel this way. Is it just me or do we too often get off the subject and pick each other apart?
No-You are not the only one to feel this way,but this is what you get when you have more people and they form groups/klans to embolden their ideas/opinions on others.We have seen more rules to try to combat this problem and the moderators have steped up to the plate more and more but the root of the problem is still there.