Spending less time on FABO

the last chevy in a mopar thread went 9 pages and is still open..........
Some folks really tried to slaughter that guy.....don't like what some one is doing just move on....don't see me ranting about how much I despise yellow cars, or those goofy colors they used back in the day.....I liken some of this stuff to what I used to call Postal Courage. Postal Courage is simply the ability for some one to say things knowing there is no repercussion, in the PO case the 4 walls keep every one safe as fighting would not be tolerated. Pretty much the same thing here, people spout off knowing they can, no chance of a face to face with anybody. Keyboard commandos, what ever you want to call them. I have not many folks from here, Del & Tom from CDA, Demon Seed aka Terry, Justin and Jeff. And Ryan, the guy building the turbo Duster. All of them were great folks. Kind of people that you could sit down and have a beer with. At least that is what I thought until recently......