Bizarre dreams

But food is a HUGE factor. Making the mistake of having that piece of fudge, cake or ice cream too close to bedtime is all it takes for me.

Sometimes on late weekend winter nights I've made the mistake of having coffee or tea late. BAD mistake. Instant nightmares.
Glad you mentioned this. Food will normally not act as a trigger for any sort of dream. Spicy stuff will trigger heartburn, but no dreams, at least not that I am aware of. If we do not eat dinner by 6:30 or so I will pretty much skip it and just have something light to eat. But a snack prior to bed has no effect. My head doc that I am seeing now, he is not a psychiatrist as me and anti-depressants/mood stabilizers DO NOT get along but a psychologist. Anyway, he has suggested to me that a stimulant prior to bed might help in the way giving stimulants to a person with ADD/ADHD helps. He has a few patients that will have a cup of coffee/tea prior to bed and it helped them. I have tried it in the past with no real effect. Normally I can have of a cup of coffee at night with no real effect on my "normal" sleep, if you want to call it that.
When I was still working things were a lot worse. Working the afternoons no doubt did not help. Several times a week I would be outside with a light and gun, swearing I heard some one trying to break in. Bagpipe player was there almost nightly.Every now and then he would appear on the windshield of the truck on the way to work.