ebay h-beam rods?

No chebby motors for me thank you. By "mopar kind of budget" I mean having to shop for the best price of good parts which is why I was wondering if the H-beams rods from ebay were any good. It would be nice to find a good deal every once in awhile you know?

I can't disagree with you.
But the best deal isn't always the best price.
If you have a lot of money tied up in good parts everywhere else , then I don't know where I'd start looking for savings.
But it wouldn't be with the rotating assembly.
If it is a budget build and nothing exotic , then I'd consider something like these but would have them checked over thoroughly before I installed them.
MoPar kind of budget could mean anything up to a blown Hemi with unobtanium innards and alcohol or octane tinged exhaust aroma.
Not everybody who does MoPar is a cheap bastard.......and I am not implying that you are either.
Like any other hobby or interest , we set our own levels.
Then usually strive for more.
Good luck with your build.