Spending less time on FABO

Maybe you should take in consideration that some people on here are dealing with their own physical problems, that's why it's been a long time for me to get your clutch pedal set to you Paul. I have really bad arthritis and mobility problems as you do at times. It's not just you or all about you. A lot of us on here are handicapped or mildly disabled, it's not just you. Some of us just choose to live in silence about it.
StrokerScamp deserved to be banned.
He was a wealth of knowledge and a good guy overall with a big heart at times i agree, but, he also had a bad temper and he really bullied and picked on some people, but sometimes he was very corrosive overall, and that's putting it lightly. That fact is something no one can deny. We had a few clashes on the p.m. side of the forums and i tell you, he has a heart of gold, but he has temper problems and other problems that i will not divulge (admitted by him to me) offline.
So, who cares? About people or the website?
I do, a lot. Almost to a fault in both cases.
And i think this is a great website run by great people who care a lot.
That's why i'm here almost daily.
I'm here to learn, grow within the hobby, and hopefully help a few people along the way. I actually get a kick out of the ranting and stupidity at times.
This site is a great source of entertainment for me.
A thick skin is needed a lot here, as it does in life and i do not need to fit into any ''Cliques'' here or anywhere, i actually don't give a **** about that.
Lighten up people, it's just a website used for information and entertainment, as well as a few belly laughs, no more, no less.
Yes, i'm here to stay like it or not.

Lol,it's never been about me on this sight.