The tear-down of Jake's 65 begins....

Scarebird conversion is done, dual master is in, all new brake lines made and installed... We now have a functional braking system and a feel ing of accomplishment! We also coated the fuel tank and put it up in place.... Freed up some shelf space with doing that - allowed room to get the 2 tubs of kids clothes down so the wife could get the size 4's, 5's and 6's out for Jake's lil brother....

Had to file the opening of the scarebird bracket at the top and bottom a little - The calipers were thiiiiiiiiiiiis close to fitting.... The calipers also had a nub/tab on the inner side where it went up aganst the spindle/bracket - had to file that off as well....

So maybe another 9 to 12 months and we can test the brakes out with a running