
Yep.. I've seen setups like that many times that work good and guys with aftermarket stuff that looks trick doesn't work as good. I tried water wetter and it did help. I do have a 33% mix of antifreeze. Going from a 50/50 antifreeze/water mix to the 33% mix with water wetter dropped it a good 10 degrees.

BTW: how hot was your summer up there this year? It was well over 100 for nearly 4 weeks straight here. Hottest summer on record. I didn't even get the cuda out then it was so freakin hot. I'd hate to imagine how hot it would have ran in that temp.

I drive and fart around town in stoplight traffic. Was 100 degrees out here on and off last few weeks. It's the car I get groceries in.

No overheating here. I have a 4 row Champion, Milodon water pump, Milodon thermostat (to Milodon spec only from US plant)

On the highway with steady airflow no issues at all. About 170 to 180 degrees cruising at 70-80 mph at 3500-3800 rpm. Even in 100 degree heat outside.