Car Flippers say the darndest things...

So like many of you guys (and gals) I love to troll Craigslist...just to look at stuff.

I had been watching a certain 1965 Barracuda just a couple miles down the street from me, thinking if it got low enough it would make a great first/restoration car for my son (and me) to play with.

Months ago it started at $7,500 for this beauty...going down $5.5K...$5K...$4.5K down to $3,000 a few weeks ago....with a threat about going to Ebay after that.

Wow...if i could get it for less than $3K...that would be a great deal.

Suddenly, bam, it was gone...

Well it landed south of the Michigan border in Toledo...the ad can be seen here...

It is the same exact car, even with the small pictures I can see the same funky front seats.

"Selling due too loss of storage" is the official line in the, he must have had storage for 1 week? then none the next?

Or maybe he is a 16 year old kid who didn't tell his parents he bought it?

Or his wife kicked him out for not telling her?

He has it up at $5, will be interesting to see where it goes from there.

Now, I am not against car flipping...we all need to make a dollar...but come on...either come clean or better yet don't say anything at all...

Maybe the situation is the real deal and he lost storage...just seems a little fishy to me.

In the end, I might have to drive down to Ohio and take it off his hands for $2,500 \\:D/
