Meet n' Greet at Monster Mopar Weekend

Looks like I'm going to Thorndale Fair up in Canada near London this weekend, they are having Monster truck rides, a demolition derby, birds of prey (raptor birds), horse pulls, state boarding competitions and more.

Its 1 1/2 hours closer for me each way, took me 4 1/2 hours to get home last year from Indy - with one meal stop.

Stinks how much gas is and how events happen at the same time...last month for Moparfest they had the Dream Cruise going on in Detroit the same day

Never been to the Fair but was in Indy last year, so that along with fuel costs made up my mind. Since its closer for me, I'm just spending 1 night vs 2 if I went to Indy so helps keep costs down.

Maybe next year I make, sure was exciting seeing the hood flying off that one car when it hit 158 mph, lol

I was on the fence but made my mind up today, got the hotel off hotwire for $70 so no turning back now.

Hope you all have a blast and a cold one for me, lol