finished 12th at RTTH'S 8

sweet run....i wonder how that camaro that came in on the video @ the 50 second mark) did as well. it appears to me those chevys in the last portion of the video, (the nova and the chevelle) handled really well, and seems to have less body roll coming out of those first 2 turns in the run than your RMS equipped duster. im not dissing or talking bad about your car in any simply curios and just going off by "looks" from what i can see. i noticed you mentioned you havent had a chance to tune the suspension yet, which is still very impressive watching it..and im sure youll be getting quicker and quicker with the RMS stuff! :)

the blue camaro is one of the DSE test cars. the gray nova is billy uttley,badass car and hard to keep up with, i smoked the red chevelle. he's running an all aluminum BBC and i kicked his *** on the speed stop. looks are deceiving. billy's nova looks like a dish rag on the course,but runs up with the DSE cars. almost every car but mine and the red stang are around 60,000+ dollar cars in the top 16,so i feel pretty good about it. EFI,18's plus wider fronts and some tuning and the times will be lower.