72 duster Build progress

It sure is hot........I think Ill have two scoops of AWESOME! LOL.

Well guys......today was a progress day! lol.

I didnt get everything done that I wanted to because by the time I was ready to start on the spoiler the temperature had dropped a good 15 degrees and it started down pouring. The ole girl got wet sitting outside.....but atleast it washed all the dust off lol. I am going to have to hand wash and wax it one of these days whenever have have some good weather again so i can get all the water spots off it.

ANYHOW........I know you all want to see the car ****, so i wont keep you waiting.

Got the scoops all sanded and wet sanded and cleaned off and prepped and FINALLY, this new paint I used cooperated with me.......right after I sprayed it....when It was still wet.....I wasnt so sure with how it was going to look because it looked kind of "splotchy"....but man, once it dried up it came out to the PERFECT sheen I was going after with a nice uniform texture!.

And here are some pictures after installing my new chrome bezels !

And when I brought the duster in for the night I set the scoops on the hood for the heck of it to get a feel for what its going to look like!

My favorite lol

its been so long since i have sat in the car and sighted down the hood and seen those scoops sitting there. looks sweet from inside too!.

well, thats where things are at right now guys. I am going to try and get the spoiler done also .....I just need to see what the best day is weather wise and try and do it that day because i don't like working in the cold and because i don't want to deal with any more paint issues if i can avoid them lol.

But stay tuned because there is more to come. What do you think????