I will not start an auction for Tyler, please stop sending money.

I don't want to sound like a dick, here, but I have to ask, the next time we have a benefit auction for a FABO member should we set up some sort of contract within the site saying that the money pledged goes where the benefactors want it to go based on the needs of the person for whom the funds are raised?

If I remember rightly, you had a benefit auction not too long ago. And one was set up for Sarah and I. Should I produce receipts on site for money spent in Rochester while Sarah was in a coma? That money helped me live for a month and is now going to health care costs as the bills are coming in as well as keeping me solvent until I feel well enough to back to work. Some of it has now gone to a down payment on a headstone. I have receipts I'm willing to produce if need be.

I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm just asking.

Wasn't too long ago this site came together and bought a member a car. An older gentleman, it's true, with a smaller engine, yes, but the liability is the same. Accidents happen, even with older drivers and smaller horsepower. For those of you on the site when that purchase was made was the same kind of contract made for liability issues or if the seller backed out of the deal?

Like I said, I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm just asking questions that should have answers considering the "argument" here.

To me, though, for those members attacking John through PM, if you didn't want to help, then just sit it out.

The problem is Tyler is 17 and is a minor.

Now the history.... I went through a deal over dealing with a minor about 7 or 8 years ago and almost had the law involved. This guy looked in his mid 20s with a full beard and sold me some scrap. His mother got pissed because he got rid of some stuff she wanted so I hauled it all back again and got my money back. Now I get an ID to make sure that I am not dealing with a minor.

This time I called my attorney before I sent any money and was advised to not send anything until his parent or legal guardian was on the receiving end because if Tyler got hurt or killed because of this car then everyone involved could be liable since Tyler is a minor. If Tyler was working on the car and got hurt then we could be liable. It is strictly the minor issue and noting else.

I am still in to donate items for an auction if the paperwork gets done legally. I would love for Tyler to have his dad's car and have always stated that.

If I am perceived as a bad person for wanting to cover everyone's butt on this site then so be it. I would have felt much worse if I let everyone get sued if something did happen and I had said nothing. You have to remember things aren't the way they were 25 years ago.