Show Us Pictures of 2nd Generation Barracudas

Hi BB-Dave

Where did you find those bad boys? What are you planning to do with them.

Thanks for posting the pics!

Ma Snart

Ma Snart, a guy i know had them for a long time. I forgot about them but remember he had them back when i was replacing white lines on my MODTOP survivor. I didn't want them at that time as i knew my MODTOP was supposed to have Firestones by the build sheet and never used spare!!
So when i took my newly purchased 383-S, 4spd, coupe, black/tan/red sport stripe car to him, we got talking and he mentioned the tires that i totally forgot he had! Well now i have them. Since they fit any of my cars i may use them someday. White lines not good for the red sport stripe car but would look good on a few of my project cars like spanish gold(Y4), fire bronze metalic(T5), or another black(X9) car.