Mopar Welder acient awesomeness

Wow, hemi pumps. 1.5 foot of 2.5" pipe running off each manifold too. Bet that sounded great at 4500 rpm all day for ever.
Friggin awesome.

I need a 331 hemi powered air raid siren.

I would love to let that rip in down town berekley. Hehehe yeaa!

that is awesome LOL

I helped my neighbor take down 3 tall towers out of an Orange grove here in Plant city. At the top of these towers was a 277 I think was the size poly motor with huge fan atached to each. They would run these to blow the frost off the orange tree when it would freeze. These were in use long time ago. I'd say 50 yrs ago. I which I had taken pictures.

that would be too cool to see them in action