Outrageous overbill by Kanter Automotive

If the OP knew who to send the pump to it is unlikely he would have saved much money. The company that rebuilt the pump offers a substantial discount to volume customers. Kanter likely sends thousands of parts to the rebuilder and thus gets a huge discount. The OP is going to send 1 so he is going to pay retail not wholesale. For example: OP ships pump to rebuilder for $20, OP pays rebuilder retail price on pump rebuild probably $200, OP gets phone call and is told needs another $100 worth of work, OP pays return shipping of $20. Tell me what he saves?

I'm just picking a random vehicle, but Rockauto has a Cardone return and service rebuild for a 71 Valiant power steering gear. Total price without shipping $144. Tack on $20 for shipping each way and it's an estimated price of $184 total. You're still going through a middle man for half the price.