what are your winter projects ?

Well, the GTX is getting it's lower rear qtrs worked on, and I'll be pulling the trans to change the converter, and finally get that leak fixed. I've pinpointed it to the shift lever pivot seal!!

The 66 will also be getting it's trans pulled to finally fix that freeze plug thats been leaking for the past, oh I don't know how many years!!

I'll also be pulling the dash and windshield on Nella's car to redo both. I'm going down to my buddies soon to pull a spare dash out, yep, after about 3 years in the planning stage!!

As for the van?? I'd like to find a pair of 91-98 Dakota spindles and drop the front end down, then get the back lowered to match. Send out the motor and have it rebuilt as well as the trans and finish the rear end.

For the Signet...I'd like to get to cutting and replacing the floorpan and trunkpan I have ready for it, and send the body off to paint, but thats a big plan there!!

So, all in all, just sittin' on the couch as usual!!!LOL!! Geof