Outrageous overbill by Kanter Automotive

I know retail has high markups, inventory, overhead, etc. . But this was taking the part, boxing it and shipping it out. Since Kanter does mostly mailorder that should not be much more in their real cost than what someone would pay extra as 'shipping and handling'. And I know the food industry is extremely marked up, but that is perishables, atmosphere, tons of manual labor. And I know on ebay you could spend $5 for shipping of a $1 item - but you know up front.
I paid on dropoff, not delivery. And I checked around with multiple outlets, many having the pump listed but none having any in stock, and had no prospects of getting any. Kanter is relatively local so I was able to drop off the pump, and I expected to pick it up, rather than send it someplace, have them then send it out, then reverse all of that, adding at least an extra 2 weeks transit to an unknown actual rebuild time. I could have checked around the clubs, ebay, etc for used pumps, but that would have taken more weeks and I was hoping to get the car back on the road for at least some of the remaining cruise season. And the pump was really hosed, not just replacement seals, so the rebuilder added $75 in parts to the job (to which Kanter charged an additional $25). I do not know if the rebuilder would have accepted a direct send. I will certainly know to check next time. I know middlemen need, and I expected them to add, a markup. I had no qualms paying the markup on other parts I bought from them, over $400 retail, in the past 12 months. But I still think, and some out there agree, that a $194 and change markup for shipping (actual cost from the rebuilder to me was around $17; what I saw from sellers who didn't have any - from $20 to $30) and handling is outrageous.
I went into this blindly. Even those who disagree with me and want to do business with Kanter can go in with open eyes.
(Oh, the rebuilder guarrantees the rebuild. It's on the invoice.)