paint job price

How is that wack? Will gives somebody advice to learn how to do something themselves, rather than hiring somebody else to do it, and that's wack.

I agree with Will. I had never done a ladder bar suspension before, until the first time I did it. Now I wouldn't think twice about doing another one. I guess if I was rich or had no technical ability I might think about paying others to do everything for me, but how would I ever learn to do it myself that way? Besides, with all the online videos available now, you can teach yourself to do almost anything. I'm not saying by watching a video you can become a professional body worker, but you have to start somewhere.

mismy69swinger, if you do decide to do it yourself, practice on smaller items first with cheaper paint before moving onto your car. Good luck.

I have been doing auto-body & painting for 10 years now, I have painted in dealership parking lots to top of the line down draft booths, & honestly to paint a car after youve spent close to a grand on matierials(depending which brand you choose) & paint in garage or what not ,unless the area is super(& I mean SUPER) clean you will have trash & debris to buff out.. Also with painting jams on cars, ALL panels have to come off,rubbers,panels,etc need to be disassembled,painted, & put back together. lets be clear, it is a daunting task for anyone especially a classic car that for us all is our pride & joy.
So as far as buying a spray gun, & doing it yourself sounds great! but the cost of an error can quickly turn things ugly!( for your time,pride, & wallet that is,lol) But at the same time if you watch videos, youtube, it will help, but getting inside a booth & watching a pro will "UP" your game dramatically. I suggest bringing the car to Orlando to me!!!LMAO!! JK!(unless your close enough) or if you dont have expierience & would rather leave it to expert then check aound for prices, ask what matierials they will be using, & ask if they offer a warranty. (I offer warranty on ALL my work, & paint) Check high end body shops to low end, even CRAIGSLIST has some decent technicians who take pride in their work.
One thing though, question EVERYTHING, auto-body work is kind of the trade that one person might SAY they do grade-A work but in reality their standard is poo, ask for pics ,references, & so on. A good tech. will already be showing your their portfolio to sell the job if theyre really a Mac-Daddy @ Bodywork ; -)
good luck ,I hope this helps! -Erik