crappy day..long

car has been garaged for a couple years have been on and off with motivation but i have worked alitle here and there on the car to atleast get some stuff done,the big parts like putting a new engine in went pretty smoth its just all the other little things to do. it have known that the car has some rust especialy the rear fenders behind the wheels and that the driverside rocker could use some attention aswell as the passanger side but alot less on the passangerside..

keep in mind i have a very small garage and cant even get to the driverside of the car from the outside,need to go under the car and even then there is now way i can stand there..

anyway cant weld in the garage since i realy dont want to start a fire and outside the garage is a ramp down to the garage so cant realy push the car out with ease to cut and weld outside. today i found out that the car has been rusting pretty bad on the driverside during its years in the garage and that there isnt realy any other option than start tearing the car down again and start replacing sheetmetal.

feel quite down right now i had hoped to just get the last bits of the exhaust done and then put some fuel in her and get that first drive with the new engine before winter sets in,i gues i can forget about that now and i might aswell just start tearing out the interior and the engine and transmission and start cutting out the bad metal to hopefully be able to weld in some new sheetmetal before the winter hits making it to cold to work outdoors and in the proces way to dificult to get the car outside anyway,that is if i can get some new panels in time or just make them myself in time giving me the winter to work on the finnish on whatever metal i replace..

today realy sucks bigtime sorry for the long rant, this all just got to me alitle to much since i was realy hopeing that i would atleast get one short drive before winter and being able to look forward to the next summer after such a long time without my mopar out there one the road..:cussing::sad::crybaby: