Some People............



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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Took a nap this afternoon, had to be somewhere at 3 pm, I looked at the clock and it was 2:57, crap! I was sleeping hard when I woke so I jumped up and ran out the door and startled a guy standing right outside the garage door (door was open) looking inside at my Valiant. I think he was gonna knock on the door before I flew into the garage and suprised us both. He asked if the Fury wagon in the driveway was for sale and I said no. Told him I was on my way out and he started asking about the Valiant saying "this is sweet" and telling me that he did body work and paint and would "love to paint this car" for me (he seen my black fenders too and must have thought the car needed paint). Clock is still ticking and now i'm late, he keeps talking telling me he has a 73 Dart Sport 340 in primer and he restored a Chrysler 300 for another guy. Finally he gave me his phone number and told him I really really had to go.

He was a really nice guy, he drove a metro bus and was dropping off some handicapped people that lived across the street and stopped when he seen the cars (hope nobody was on the bus yet LOL) Just an odd situation, maybe cause I was half asleep? Would have talked more but I was in a hurry, some people LOL!!
I was woke up once in the middle of the night with someone banging on my door saying my car was on fire! It was my 72 Olds Delta 88 convertible.....she was toast! Kinda odd how I went on a 6000 mile trip with a buddy thru the US 2 weeks earlier without a hitch, then come back from the trip and told the ex to f-off, took my kids and then 2 weeks later woof!!
I was woke up once in the middle of the night with someone banging on my door saying my car was on fire! It was my 72 Olds Delta 88 convertible.....she was toast! Kinda odd how I went on a 6000 mile trip with a buddy thru the US 2 weeks earlier without a hitch, then come back from the trip and told the ex to f-off, took my kids and then 2 weeks later woof!!

Sounds like the divorce papers and the papers in the car started rubbing together then the friction between the two started a fire.
Had a similar one just last week. Worked my butt off all day, then put some nice T-bones on the grille. We were just sitting down to enjoy, when ding-dong. I go to the door and there's a older gentleman who had driven by my place a few times and wondered if any of my projects were for sale. Then the story of how he had, how he sold them, how he wanted to buy.. how he street raced, how he met his wife..

Me being me, cold steak lol.

Had a similar one just last week. Worked my butt off all day, then put some nice T-bones on the grille. We were just sitting down to enjoy, when ding-dong. I go to the door and there's a older gentleman who had driven by my place a few times and wondered if any of my projects were for sale. Then the story of how he had, how he sold them, how he wanted to buy.. how he street raced, how he met his wife..

Me being me, cold steak lol.


You know what though? You made that guys day, he loved telling you his stories, I have been there to :)
You're right, and even though the beef was cold, he made mine :) My wife just rolled her eyes haha.

When you're napping then suddenly you've got to sprint to an appointment, it's hard to be deal with a stranger. The good thing is he gave you his number so you can call him.
I was woke up once in the middle of the night with someone banging on my door saying my car was on fire! It was my 72 Olds Delta 88 convertible.....she was toast! Kinda odd how I went on a 6000 mile trip with a buddy thru the US 2 weeks earlier without a hitch, then come back from the trip and told the ex to f-off, took my kids and then 2 weeks later woof!!

Hmmmm..........I think there is a subliminal message in there somewhere. LOL
Took a nap this afternoon, had to be somewhere at 3 pm, I looked at the clock and it was 2:57, crap! I was sleeping hard when I woke so I jumped up and ran out the door and startled a guy standing right outside the garage door (door was open) looking inside at my Valiant. I think he was gonna knock on the door before I flew into the garage and suprised us both. He asked if the Fury wagon in the driveway was for sale and I said no. Told him I was on my way out and he started asking about the Valiant saying "this is sweet" and telling me that he did body work and paint and would "love to paint this car" for me (he seen my black fenders too and must have thought the car needed paint). Clock is still ticking and now i'm late, he keeps talking telling me he has a 73 Dart Sport 340 in primer and he restored a Chrysler 300 for another guy. Finally he gave me his phone number and told him I really really had to go.

He was a really nice guy, he drove a metro bus and was dropping off some handicapped people that lived across the street and stopped when he seen the cars (hope nobody was on the bus yet LOL) Just an odd situation, maybe cause I was half asleep? Would have talked more but I was in a hurry, some people LOL!!

your too nice ....thats why i have cameras and warning signs around my house .......we dont take kindly to looky loos at all me paranoid but i can be very hostile to ppl just wondering in .........sometimes i invite ppl i know and when i do they can look at whatever they want but for someone i dont really know to just wander in wanting to look at everything way.....luckily it dont happen very often here bcoz i live on a farm.....but ppl around here know better than to just surprise someone in their yard.
I get people at gas stations and stores that ask how much it would take to separate the car from me, and want to talk about it for longer than I can stay.

I feel bad about it mostly if it's a kid (ya know, under 30) :)
I get people at gas stations and stores that ask how much it would take to separate the car from me, and want to talk about it for longer than I can stay.

I feel bad about it mostly if it's a kid (ya know, under 30) :)

I get that too, one guy followed me to the Post Office when I had to ship some parts out and wanted to buy it LOL
usually i get out of the long talks and many questions at the gas stations by telling them that its my husband's car and i dont know anything about it.....which is a big lie bcoz im not married ....dont even have a BF LOL ...but it works ....and i hate to be rude but most of them dont help their cause when they ask if its for sale and dont even know what it is....

when i used to drive a duster i used to hear "nice Nova ma'am" ...WHAT !!!LOL
I would have to say that it goes with having an old car. It sparks a memory in people of a time past and most of the time they want to spill their guts out to a stranger. If I have the time I listen because sometimes the stories are good and I know one day I might see a car that I used to have and do the same thing.

As for the garage being open I never leave my garage open because I do not want people looking at my stuff unless I am there and then it is iffy.
I go so far as to lock the car once it is in the garage, not that I am paranoid just better to be safe then sorry.

Also on a side note dont forget that most robberies happen from the garage door so lock the door going into the house with a combination lock.
Ok back on topic now , there's actually a half dozen or more second gen barracudas in Victoria but everywhere I go I get the stories, at least they always start with a thumbs up eh.
...when i used to drive a duster i used to hear "nice Nova ma'am" ...WHAT !!!LOL

Yeah, for some reason my car gets mostly mistaken as a rustang or a ponticrap. I'm like, "Really?" Also, been taken as a nova. Kind of frustrating.
Sometimes I wonder if the generations under me even know what a Plymouth is?? Everytime I tell someone younger it's a Plymouth Valiant, they look rather confused and just say something like, "Oh, nice car though."

One day as I was almost home from work I noticed a man watching my car from his chebby dually. I saw him pull out from the drive he was leaving and start following me. As I turned into the complex drive he started to turn in behind me. I didn't stop at my normal parking spot but kept driving as he kept following me. He then finally stopped at the exit but I kept driving. Once I thought he left I parked and got out and sure enough, here he comes. Turns out he had a 67 Valiant 4 door and just wanted to talk cars and check out my Valiant but still I'm very cautious about someone randomly following me and stuff. You just never know. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well that night and kept check of my car out the window intermittenly. lol

It's one thing saying "hey" at a gas station or something but when you start following someone home.....there's a thin line.
Funny thing, I just got an email from my land lord wanting to buy my Duster. He's offering rent and a trade so I just might have to take him up on that. Gotta see what he has, that way I can save up the car payment we were planning to make and get another Duster or Dart. Sometimes it is strange how things happen.