if you don't know....

I wonder how a 30 compares to an 8 1/4? Back in my 4 wheelin' days (I had a 340 Landcruiser) The Bronco/ Jeep/ Scout guys didn't think all that much of a "30" front axle.

I think the older Scouts (pronounced "Shout") had either 25's or 27's front and rear. It was common to see "shouts" jacked up around town with the rear axle torn down!!
don't really know, i know the 30s carrier the clutches are behind the spiders and they have no springs like an 8 1/4. but they also dont look as beefy. i'm thinking if you used a whole rear out of a cherrokee it would live with a decent teener so long as you werent banzai in it off the line....