It's finally happened

You have not seen anything till you have seen some of the nastiest basement's I have had to work in !!!! I have been in the h.v.a.c trade for 28 years .....................................

I wasn't in HVAC/R that long, but I've seen plenty

Went out in the dead of winter to a 'vacation' place with a heat pump/ electric backup, so forced air electric furnace for an air handler. For some reason, this thing had a grill of sorts above the blower. I yanked out the blower and looked up in there to see.......feet and tails hanging down!!! About 20 dead mice!!!

One house we had an issue with temperature, so I went around all the rooms to check that the supply dampers were open. Got down and and reached under the bed for the damper and here are about 3 big sex toys laying there. My boss would not believe me that I found a "big pink d####"!!!!

One MEMORABLE house, I was not familiar with. We were putting in an add on central air unit, and there had been a mis--communication about how to route the refrigerant tube. So I was "snooping" in the basement to get the layout in my head, and opened a door which turned out to "should have been locked" The family sex dungeon was in there!!!! and the VERY embarrassed woman could only "ask me to keep my mouth shut." To bad she wasn't younger and better looking!!!!

Of course there's the usual "crap" dead mice in a condensing unit, dead animals of various types in chimneys and other vents and mechanical intake systems, as well as in blowers and fans.

I never left because of filth, but there was some close ones!!