I wanted power windows for my 66 dart but I"m cheap!

very cool:headbang:!!!! wonder if i can do this to a 73 door?:-k
if you do it the same way as I did then "yep" it'll work the same way. get some spare regulators and have at it. there should be 3 or 4 rivets holding in the handle mechanism. drill them out and (oops WAIT STOP DON'T remove handle mechanism yet):banghead:
Please remove Spring FIRST! ok NOW remove crank mechanism. whew saved your fingers at least. then make a plate to mount your window motor on holes included mount the motor to the regulator. You must check that you have a right and left motor mounted to the correct regulator. motor usually goes pointing down. tack weld motor plate into position that clears everything and wire it up.

I looked at the later type of power window motors and decided I didn't want to go into that much work, but it could be done (and the window would be slower to raise)
the ford ones won't work on the rear section so that was ruled out for me. now as soon as I can get some backup rear convertible or hardtop regulators I'll see if I can get it to fit in the rear section.