Halloween Decorations Am I Going Over Board?

Great job! The boat with 'sexy' skeleton would be outstanding - how about the sexy skeleton going topless holding the bikini top in 'her' outstretched hand?
We have a house here in town that really goes all out for Halloween (sorry, no pics). The owner does makeup and special effects for some of the Hollywood studios so he's got some great stuff out on his lawn every year.

Thats a great and really funny idea with the bikini top. But I don't how it will go over with the neighbors lol . Right now I have a fog machine in it and 50's music playing from inside like in the movie christine. I will try to be creative this week and will see what happens lol.

I was also thinking about taking tubing to the extreme and building a casket with a skeleton in it sitting up being towed like a tuber across the lawn.
