Skin cancer....

Sorry dude. I had a pre-cancerous mole taken off the inside of my right pinky toe. Yeah, pinky toe. lol
At first it looked like a speck of dirt but it wouldn't wash off so I figured maybe I stepped on something and it would "wear" itself out. About 6-8 months later it was as round as a pencil eraser.
Went to the derm and they said they needed to take it off right there. Numbed my toe and used a round/punch type of cutter and took about a 1/4" round x 1/8" deep plug out of the inside of the toe and put 5 stitches in.
Biopsy showed 1 stage away from melanoma.
I'm like...on my feet, really?! But then I heard it can creep up on you down there and it's pretty much over if you don't catch it.

Hope everything works out!