Fire in the Hole


You are providing a good service and your prices aren't out of line for new parts. It is especially helpful for slant and BB owners who don't have the $45 "ready-to-run" HEI distributor option. For those who regularly visit a junkyard, it is cheap and easy to grab parts off a GM and the only cable they need make is from the GM pickup connector (white) to a Mopar double-bullet distributor connector. Be careful of dlb bullet "appliance" connectors since many are shorter and don't connect tight. Also, you need the proper polarity (only one way gives steady timing).

I isn't obvious if your kit has pre-wired cables or just the connectors. If the later, then wiring the connectors is more work that just grabbing the GM factory cables at the junkyard. If you fabricate the cables, I suggest running the wires (red & blk in photo) thru smooth PVC sheath like from SPC Technology. You can buy on ebay, Newark, or Digi-key. I use that in all my custom wiring since it looks nice and is easy to keep clean. It is factory in my Mercedes. You could also use split loom is bulkier and collects gunk.

One comment on fklskv's installation is that I would run a dedicated ground wire to the mounting screw of the HEI module. There is a blk wire in the photo that might be that. Don't rely on the sheet-metal screw to the body for a ground. Just like with the Mopar module, no ground means no spark. Isn't that a problem that comes up every week?