Duster Rear Window Louvers

I know...... Most Humble Apologies Leanna if I ruffled some fur.. I've been in the situation/position where all is not presented by the people who promise.. Money just disappears and the work produced was at best less than 73AboddEE's cardboard louvers in comparison, LOL!!. Everyone who is reading this thread please understand I'm looking at it in a business sense for what's good for any of us. Maybe a little premature because there has been no posting from ACME as of yet. But questions like I presented need to be asked and everyone needs to understand as much as possible when you lay down your own money.
So Leanna please forgive me.. I too want to see if this group can do anything.. if so I'll probably step up to the plate and hand over some cash.. Unless one or two on here can come up with some fiberglass ones. I would be willing to support them just as equally and monetarily.

19.. (Tim)