Coyote Jack, my moose hunt is done too

I have been trying for a permit for 32 years, and finally got drawn. I was hunting about 3 miles from my camp in northern Maine, between Caribou, and Fort Kent. About 6AM I was heading into the area I was going to hunt, and spotted him about a 150 yards down in a chopping, and got him with my trusty 30:06. It dressed out at 801 lbs.

Yes Jack, He did charge me.

I shot him and he dropped like a rock. After a few minutes I walked within about 30 yards to check him out, and saw that he was not moving and barely breathing. I was there for about 5 minutes and accidently snapped a branch with my foot. Up he come. He shook his head, looked at me, and charged. He took 4-5 running steps toward me before I shot again, he shook his head and took another step at me before turning and dropping less than 25 feet away. The moose was facing me the 1st shot and I took out his right lung. The 2nd shot got his other lung and heart.