90 degree adapter leak

Thanks guys, Well after much frustration, a few filters, and a few header burns...I finally figured it out. The oil spray/ leak is not coming from the filter area anymore after all. It was originally but the canton filter adaptor stopped that. Second delema was the very end of the rear pan seal must have squezed inside the pan on that side when I torqued the oil pan. The rubber knob that holds the rear seal in place was still (held in by rtv) there but found that it was NOT atached to the seal. The seal had moved in enough leaving the hole the seal knob should be in wide open. When the engine revs and especially in gear under acceleration the oil is forced to the rear of the pan causing it to leak out of that hole and the wind then sprayed it all over there. I was able to fill the hole with Rtv and put a screw in the hole. It stopped the leak other than a minor drip at rear of pan seal. That will be enough to get a few miles on it before winter. Then ill pull apart and change the seal. Tks for your input and maybe this will help someone elses problem too!