Fast and Loud Thinks Shelby Dakota is basically worthless???

Um 25 mpg is poor ? the v8s get bout 18 . Givin that my v6 could not keep the v8 daks but it was still funn as all get out and got good mpg . and would still drift around corners ahhhhhh tire smoke goot love it

Sorry, Doc. But I never saw 25 MPG from my 3.9 ever. Not even on the highway on a long trip. If I was very ginger on the gas pedal, on a long internet drive, I might have made 19 mpg. Around town, is was closer to 15 or 16 mpg. I used to drive 101 miles to work each morning and another 101 home at the end of the day (not counting the driving I did during the course of the day and on weekends.

I filled the tank everyday, and changed the oil every 3 weeks. After a years I had 61,000 miles on it, and kept very close records of the money I spent on gas and oil, and maintenance, etc, because it was all tax deductible for me, but I had to prove what I was spending.

When I sold the 3.9 Dak and purchased the 318 Dak, I saw no appreciable difference in the cost of operation. My 318 Dak would do as well (or as poorly, depending on your point of view).

In fact, the only variance was the cost per gallon of gas, and someone at my insurance company noticed that the truck was a V8. which cost me an additional $118.00 per year. :roll: