72 duster Build progress

I havent forgot about you guys, its been cold and raining here for days on end, that and I have been busy with the family among other things. Haven't had much time to mess with the duster (or ambition for that matter with this cruddy weather).

That and i had some issues with my new ram so I had to dink around with getting the dealer to take care of it and dropped it off there and have been without my truck for a week now and stuck driving a crap little loaner car lol. but hopefully i will have it back before the weekend....I got lots of goodies to put on the truck when i get it back ( a bunch of REALLY cool goodies from our member challengergary here on fabo....so your going to want to stay tuned for that).

Im going to try to get back at it soon on the duster and get a few odds and ends done before snow starts falling.

ill update you all on what I get done when I get it done.