Another Great turnout for Mopars at the Marina

I could not make it but I heard and seen that it went well. We have no official count (we never do) but know that over 250 Mopars passed through during the day. Couple questions:
1. Pentastar can I borrow some of your pictures to post on the web and facebook page?
2. Old Demon what do you mean your car is "SUPPOSED" to be on the shirt next year. There ain't no supposed to be here. MARINA 5 will go on in 2013 and your car WILL be on the shirt. Thats a promise.
And one thing the crew and me take pride in (besides a great cruise in) is that we do what we promised and more. We promise to never charge anyone to get in to MATM and we never will. We promise after the first year of serving jambalaya we would have enough every year after, and we have. And as promised there is no skimping, we make the BEST free jambalaya at Cruisin the Coast! We have promised that one day this will become the best Mopar event in the Southeast US and I think we might have fulfilled that one also, if not we are close. And it gets better next year, that I promise.