Drinkng problems

Some people drink because they want to and some people drink because they have to. But to answer your question directly the answer is no. It's not hopeless. First off, what makes an alcoholic different than other people is that an alcoholic can not stop drinking once started. There's a reaction internally that causes the body of an alcoholic to need more once they start. It's not simply a matter of will power and self control. Therefore the only hope that there is for an alcoholic is for that person to stop drinking entirely. There is absolutely no possibility for an alcoholic to control or moderate their drinking. Ever. That said you haven't provided enough information to determine whether your friend is an alcoholic or just a habitual drinker. There's really no way anyone but her can really answer that question. As far as confrontation goes, give it a try. Be aware that there aren't too many people that are more convincing than an alcoholic when it comes to trying to make you believe that they're Ok. They have themselves convinced to the point that "denial" isn't even a word the professionals use. The preferred word is "delusion" which means that they actually believe they're Ok when they're not. So if and when you confront her be prepared for the most convincing stage performance you'll ever witness.