Amtrak train hits 111 mph in test run

Is this long overdue or what.. in Japan and Europe they have bullet trains that go 150, pretty cool and sure beats driving, lol
Not to be sour puss on the matter, but that speed has been obtained over 80 years ago and has been a possible speed to be obtained and held for long distances since the 1930's.

The ability to travel that fast has been done with Desiel locomotives and Electric powered cars and MU's. case in point as a reff could be the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) having electric powered single cars in the '30's working alongside Steam powered engines.

Today, Amtrak has the Accela which is capable well beyond that speed and routinely makes commuter trips between NYC & Washington D.C.
The train has a awesome feature, it tilts/leans in on curves while at (high) speed in order to maintain speed. This train can be researched.

The problem with these trains are there revenue worth.
One last thing. There is not one single non freight rail road that is profitable. Period!