paying a sellers paypal fees

Oh, and by the way, my example was a sale through ebay, who will only allow Paypal transactions. And, being from Sweden, the buyer had no access to a Post Office to purchase and send me a money order. Who paid the fees?? And did I ask the buyer to compensate me for the fees? NO, I did not and never do!!!

I too charge EXACT shipping, and charge NOTHING for my time to pack, weigh, get quotes, and drive to the next town to ship by FedEx if it is a little cheaper for the buyer. I also call FedEx directly for EVERY transaction to make sure that the quote is completely accurate. Cost of doing business??

I offer to anyone to check the prices of the items that I sell here, and ONLY here by the way!! I take great offence to the "car stripping profiteer" comment mentioned above, because I am not in it to make a huge profit, only to make a few extra $$ for my time to put out my own money to buy a car, spend hours upon hours stripping a mouse infested rust bucket, sometimes freezing my azz in the middle of winter, all so needing members can get a leg up on their projects and get the parts they need!! Most times I barely break even on cars I buy just to part, and most always they are cars that aren't even close to the body styles of cars that I can use parts from. How many 70-72 Darts have I parted and sold here?? My least favorite body style!!

"Profiteer"??? Indeed!!! Geof