6-71 & Mechanical Fan, and other questions.

any updates?

Yeah. After months of life getting in the way, I'm finally getting somewhere.

Got most of the 340 together, and then set the intake/blower, valve covers, fan, etc on the engine temporarily so I could start mocking up the brackets to mount the accessories.

Ended up going with a Sanden SD709 A/C Compressor instead of the York compressor, didn't have enough space for the York. No new pics, but I have the brackets for the A/C Compressor finished and the rest of the accessories reuse the stock brackets.

Now I just have to order the engine paint (nobody stocks Hemi Orange, since it's not a chevy color :protest: ) and pull the accessories, valve covers, blower/intake, etc back off and finish prepping the block/heads/timing cover for paint. (also has new brass freeze plugs now). Then its time for the final assembly and I can move on to finishing up the rest of the car.

If all goes well (it never does...) I hope to have the car together and on the road again by spring.