I am thinking about a career change...

I did that a few years (forced, work comp injury) and I'll tell you, that drive to fix things will still be there so if you don't have a home garage, get one before you change.

I went back to school to become an engineer. I'm not 100% sure it's right for me. Most engineers are suits, who like to do math problems. I'm beginning to think that there isn't much of a place in the world for a guy like me. I've worked in a machine shop for the last two years and it's rewarding, but I'm starving on the pay.

Don't get discrouraged. It's not all math and suits.

When I graduated as an M.E., there were two members of my class (one ~38 years old and one ~58 years old) both of whom were changing careers to become MEs. It's tough work but it opens a lot of doors. For example, I work in the energy industry and I split my time between performing energy savings calculations (yes, lots of math) and testing and analyzing steam distribution systems in large commercial buildings.

It's nice to have the Dress shoes stacked next to the work boots and never know which you'll be wearing lol.

Back to the OP, I've never had to change careers, but I know the value of liking what you do everyday. If the time/funds allow, find something that you like doing everyday and pays the bills, and just do it.

No sense in waking up everyday, dreading going to work. Life is just too damn short.